Divorce PREP
Advice for Men

To Order $29


Product Description


DivorcePREP is a $29 golden parachute for husbands whose divorce alarms are starting to ring.

By arranging certain things early and understanding the reality of the divorce process, men can avoid a brutal divorce settlement that can financially cripple them for their entire life.

Even if you don’t get divorced or don’t want the divorce, you are better off knowing what to do if you are forced into it.

In fact, if you are still trying to make your marriage work, you will be in a better negotiating position as you navigate through your marital problems if you know the real way to beat divorce.

For good husbands who just want it all to work out, divorce is excruciating. It doesn’t start as a war, but quickly turns into one. After the wife recovers from the emotional impact of separation and sees her desperate financial situation, her lawyer will advise her of the unfair demands she can make. Together, they ‘attack’ your assets and your income. For the man who has not prepared, there is almost no defense. For you, there is DivorcePREP.

Secretly plan to protect yourself while you’re still married. And hear the popular illegal actions that can cause you big problems.

Investing in DivorcePREP may save you thousands on the three main costs: legal fees, property division, and alimony plus child support.

Remember: DivorcePREP is not about state laws. It’s universal information, for any U.S. state, explaining how a men have won by preparing early - and managing the process a better way.

From the Publisher

You’re not alone.

A lot of men want to know how to secretly prepare for divorce.

Because divorce is the greatest danger to a man’s personal financial security - during and after the divorce.

DivorcePREP™ features five detailed hours of fast paced information illustrating how a man can protect against this. Secret Divorce Planning is not a new concept - but DivorcePREP makes it easy for any man to understand. Learn to plan in less than a day - how men can avoid a horrendous settlement.

Smart men, making between $40K and $250K secretly prepare before calling anyone. Now you can too.

Ordering is private and easy and it’s delivered to you in disguised packaging. Do you want to:

- Save $1,000’s on legal fees by learning how to handle lawyers

- Save $1,000’s more at settlement and not give away more than you have to

- Save $1,000’s on alimony and child support payments - forever

If you haven’t made your move yet, you owe it to yourself to get the private information that other men from around the country are ordering every day. Crush her chances of a big settlement - and protect the rest of your life.

Divorce PREP - To help men be successful with their first divorce.

Top 10 signs you should order now:
1. You have the urge to start hiding money.
2. You have trouble sleeping.
3. There is constant tension in the house.
4. You don’t just argue, you call each other names.
5. Money is missing.
6. You have spoken to a “friend” about her attitude.
7. You have incompatible life goals
8. There is less food in the house than normal.
9. No attraction to wife, but attracted to other women.
10.“She doesn’t know what she wants anymore.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does it take to make my plan? I can't stand her.
A: For most of our customers, it takes about 5 days once they have listened and used the software. Of course this varies.

Q: I went online to find a do-it-yourself kit. Will this work for me too?
A: Yes. Whether you do it by a kit, use a divorce mediator or go the old fashioned lawyer route, the material in this set will be incredibly valuable.

Q: I can’t believe this is happening to me. Should I buy this?
A: Yes. Even though divorce may still be far away, this is the information men need to plan, prepare and handle a divorce well. The benefits are clear: it will calm your nerves and get you in total control.

Q: I ‘m a clever guy. Why don’t I just call a lawyer?
A: You may be clever, but lawyers do not help you plan while you are still married.

Q: Should I buy this if I am not sure I am getting divorced?
A: Yes - being ready for a divorce is the key to winning. You should use this time to keep trying, but start planning.

Q: My wife just filed for divorce, can Divorce Prep help me?
A: No. If you are in the process already - Divorce Prep cannot help.

Q: If my wife finds out I bought this can she use this against me?
A: This is not legal or financial advice. Your interest in divorce is natural and cannot effectively be used against you.

Q: Can I return it if I am not satisfied?
A: Yes. See our Satisfaction Guarantee.

Q: Isn't this the same as all the other divorce information out there?
A: We believe the other divorce information is valuable and for the most part applies after a man files. These other products are for the fight. This is for the planning stage.

Q: Can someone order this for me?
A: Yes, but you must trust them - and your wife should NOT know them.

Q: Is this legal or financial advice?
A: No. It's an educational product you use long before you need professional advice.

Q: Why should I listen to this before doing anything else?
A: Understanding and preparing before you see a lawyer is key - and listening to this could save you major headaches and thousands of dollars.

Q: What format is the course in?
A: The course has 5 lessons using Windows Media Audio files, plus a 6th lesson with a special DivorcePrep Application EXE. 

Q: How to order it?
A: https://charity-international.square.site/product/divorce-consulting-prevention/5

It is also often very funny to listen to  :)

Links to helpful resources

www.smithgarglaw.com - includes a good Divorce Preparation Check List


DP is for real...and very successful. Since our start in 2002, thousands of men have listened. We have a strong guarantee that makes it risk free. Limited quantities. Order now.

Contact Us at info@DivorcePrepare.com

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